Whether you call them 9th through 12th grade, or whether you call them freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, our high school classes provide a great deal of student leadership and activity at Midland.
Junior and Senior Benefit. Senior hot lunch and class trip. You name it! Led in part by Student Association, led in part by their class officers, our high school classes are a noteworthy group.
FRESHMEN (elected 2nd Semester)
President – Colton Heinrich
Vice President - Bernely Varggens
Secretary - Avery Rincon
Treasurer - Jovanna Yarde
Pastor – Taylor Arends
Sponsor - Kelsea Allen
President – Kaitlyn Skinner
Vice President - Kiki Kilanko
Secretary - Andrew Choi
Treasurer - Isaac Freire
Pastor – Amaris Velez
Sponsor - Greg Hallock
President – Melanie Wilde
Vice President – Addison Rincon
Pastor – Kelly Borne
Secretary – Maecy Keller
Treasurer – Maecy Keller
Sponsor - Jonathan Borne
President – Natalie Newton
Vice President - Logan Wilson
Secretary - Cody Skinner
Treasurer - Cody Skinner
Pastor – Briley Beck
Sponsor - Ryan Dennis