There are a variety of abbreviations and acronyms used at Midland and on our website. Here is a brief list - if you have additional suggestions, please let us know!
A&P - Anatomy & Physiology. Upper-level science class for high school students
ABC - Adventist Book Center. A Christian book store selling a wide variety of products, including vegetarian meat substitutes
ACT - American College Testing. A standardized test taken by high school students. Used to determine college eligibility and scholarship levels.
BAR - Broken Arrow Ranch. Youth camp where a number of our high school students work during the summer. Each August our high school students spend three days here; also the site for September's Environmental Camp for grades 5 and 6.
BJV - Boys Junior Varsity. One of the basketball teams available at Midland
BMS - Boys Middle School. One of the basketball teams available at Midland.
BV - Boys Varsity. One of the basketball teams available at Midland.
FACTS - Financial system used to evaluate requests for financial aid at school
GMS - Girls Middle School. One of the volleyball/basketball teams available at Midland.
GV - Girls Varsity. One of the volleyball/basketball teams available at Midland.
K12BTSN - K-12 Back to School Night. An annual first-day-of-school meeting for parents and other interested parties
RenWeb - Well, RenWeb! A Registrars package for recording student information and grades. Used by the ParentWeb portal to provide high school parents the ability to access grades on line.
KAIRS - Kansas Association of Religious and Independent Schools. Midland holds accreditation with this statewide educational organization. It is largest organization of non-public schools in the state, and has been in existence for more than 40 years.
KS/NE - Kansas / Nebraska Conference. The state-level organization for the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 2).
MAA - Midland Adventist Academy. Shorthand for our school name.
MAP - MAP Assessment. Standardized test taken three times during the year by all students
MAUC - Mid-America Union Conference. The regional-level organization for the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 3).
NCPSA - National Council for Private School Accreditation. Midland holds accreditation with this nationally recognized educational organization.
NAD - North American Division. The North American organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 4).
PE - Physical Education. Classes for students including exercise, sports, and healthy living.
PSAT/NMSQT - Preliminary SAT / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Standardized test taken by high school Juniors.
SA - Student Association. This is the student body organization for grades 9-12.
SDA - Seventh-day Adventist. The organized church body that Midland belongs to.
UC - Union College. The closest Adventist college to Midland, located in Lincoln, NE. This is the site of yearly music festivals, sports tournaments, and college visits.
Navigation links
Midland's website has a concise set of tabs with drop-down menus for related pages. Here is a brief overview of what the tabs are for, and what you can find under each one.
Home - welcome page for Midland's website, breaking announcements, upcoming events
Calendar - School calendar
Parents - Parents web, enrollment forms, handbook, finances
Students - Student Association, testing, student events, awards
Our Staff - pictures and educational info about our staff members
Life@MAA - News from Midland, Mustang athletics, classroom events, hot lunch
Photos - Picture galleries, movies, and podcasts from Midland
Community - Alumni, favorite links, Home & School
Finances - Everything monetary for a Midland education
About Us - What Midland is, accreditation, history, how to contact us, newsletter