>Home >Parents


We recognize that you as parents are the most common users of our website. That's makes you pretty important people, not just to your students, but to Midland.

For common questions, you can check out our FAQ page.

For more specific information, refer to the list below. If something you are looking for isn't listed, please let us know!


One of the most important pages on our website is the school calendar. That's why we have a link from our Home page, a specific Menu tab, and various other "subject calendars" on our website. It contains school and community events, the hot lunch menu, sports schedules, and vacations.

FFull Calendar    One-page Calendar 2024-2025

Recent Changes

This page lists recent changes to the website, including new photo albums, sports scores, and changes to current calendar events. It also contains direct links to pages that have had recent changes.

DRecent Changes


Midland has eighteen staff members this school year, from Kindergarten to High School, from Music to Maintenance. For information about them, and how to reach them via email, you'll want to reference our Faculty page (under the About Us tab in the menu bar).

Faculty page

School Supplies

Elementary and High School have separate supply lists for each class. Visit the appropriate page for a printable list of supplies.

Elementary    High School


Many of our high school and middle school students participate in at least one team or endurance sport during the school year. Our athletics page contains links to all of our different sports, rosters, schedules, and results.



Education at Midland is, as they say, "Education worth paying for." If you are looking for Financial information, scholarships, and other money matters, there are a number of resources under our Finances tab in the menu bar.



There are a number of forms filled with important student data that will need to be filled out as part of registration, or at other times during the school year. Some of the forms can be filled out on-line and then printed, while others can be printed and then filled out on paper. The Forms page is located under our Parents tab in the menu bar.

AAccess Forms


Midland's school handbook can be found on line for quick reference. The handbook for the new school year is generally available online in PDF format within a week after school begins. If you don't have a hard copy, just ask for one in the office.



This web-based application will provide on-line access to student grades from any computer with Internet availability. It is easy to use and we think you will find this to be a valuable tool to help you monitor your child’s progress throughout the school year.

ParentsWeb ParentsWeb Help

After-School Care

If you need some child care after school while you run an errand? Can't get to school from work until 6:00 pm? If so, Tracy Kreiter and Midland will provide after-school child care at Midland. 


Involved Parents

Kids whose parents are active in school have higher grades and better attendance. How to get involved?
  • Attend your school's open house and introduce yourself to the principal and Home and School leaders. Let them know you want to participate.
  • Offer to help out in your child's class. Even if you work full-time, you can prepare materials, plan class activities, or make phone calls.
  • Join the Home and School association and help raise funds and meet other parents.
  • Help the school set up a parent center, where parents can get information, hold meetings, and plan activities.
  • Share your talents: perform at a school event, speak to classes, or help build bookshelves.


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