While other schools are usually carving pumpkins and having Halloween parties, our school was in busy preparation for our Annual Fall Festival. A highlight of the 2nd quarter for both fun (and fundraising), there is always something for everyone. This year, there were some new additions, such as plinko, video-game competitions, and even a ride on a four-wheeler!
This year’s festival was a good one, as friends and family alike came to visit Midland and helped support the fundraising classes. Pumpkin bread, popcorn, chili, and even freeze-dried skittles made it to the festival this year, as did apple cider floats, and many other fall-themed snacks. (Many of which seemed to rapidly drain my tickets).
The fall festival is always a great time to take a break from the usual schoolwork and enjoy time with friends, family, and everybody in between. Despite all of this, the idea of early Christmas (or Hanukkah) decorations hangs over our heads, as now we all are anticipating what will happen. Thanksgiving is soon, and winter is just around the corner!