"Developing passionate followers of Christ who love God and serve people."
Hold on to the end of the week, and you can officially mark First Semester off your list. Wishing the best to our high school students as they take finals on Wednesday and Thursday - if it wasn't covered, it won't be on the test!
This week is also Spirit Week for our Elementary students, you'll want to take a look at all the great outfits that will be considered school attire.
Just a reminder that there is early dismissal on Friday at 12:10 p.m. Have a great week!
Midland student athletes are already making their presence known in the GPAC Basketball league this season. Week 2's Girls Player of the Week was Emma Dean, and Week 3's Guys player of the Week is Aiden Cowan. Sa-lute!
Midland high school students have been sharing the joy of Christmas with the community during December. During December, Diversity performed on the Penguin Stage at GloWild, an evening lighting event held at the Kansas City Zoo.
In addition, more than 40 students provided band and choir music for the annual Christmas Party at AdventHealth Shawnee Mission. Thank you to Mrs. Gilbert and our students for taking part in these local events!
I was told that it was my day to be prayed for by the staff at Midland. Made my day, awesome!